Contractor 24-7
Contractor Safety 24-7, the newest, innovative “green program” available to resolve the question… “Do the contractors and subcontractors you engage, provide every reasonable precaution for the safety of both their workers and those others persons in the workplace that may be affected by their actions?”
This program is so versatile it can even be used as a Food Safety Vendor Certification Program or an In-House Self Assessment platform.
Contractor Safety 24-7 reduces the liability of the Company in the event of a fatality, critical injury, damage etc. This program demonstrates that the Company took all reasonable pre-caution to protect all workers on their property, projects or using Company equipment. Overall costs are reduced because an effective Health & Safety program results in less incidents, injuries, property damage, and higher productivity and work satisfaction.
From this e-mail interactive website, the Hiring Firms sets the program requirements. Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers answer the required questions, provide documentation and prove that they know the hazards to be faced and how to prevent those hazards from causing injury or damage.
The Program also has the ability to manage Violation Notices.
For the Contractor/Supplier – Contractor Safety 24-7 ensures a level playing field when bidding on work and pricing services, all contenders must invest in Health & Safety. There exists a clear standard for all who are working or seeking to work with the Hiring Firm. The program identifies gaps in a Contractor’s current program and assistance is available for eliminating the deficits.
There are various different purchase options available for this Program, such as:
- You can buy the software package outright and host it on your own system, managing the program internally. OperationSafety will support your organization with the guidance and education required to maximize the usage of the Program. You may choose to set a fee that each Contractor pays to participate in this program. This way you can offset your expenditures.
- You can buy the software package outright and host it on your own system, and retain OperationSafety to manage the program on your behalf. OperationSafety would work with your Team to develop the benchmark criteria, then using the program they would approve and manage the Contractors on your behalf. You may choose to set a fee that each Contractor pays to participate in this program. This way you can offset your expenditures.
- OperationSafety can host and manage your Contractor Safety program externally on their own system. OperationSafety would work with your Team to develop the benchmark criteria, then using the program they would approve and manage the Contractors on your behalf.
Contact Us For More Details on How Best to Customize this Program
Operationsafety’s Contractor Safety 24-7 Program is your due diligence tool that can be customized to Manage your Contractors; Protect the safety of the food products purchase; or used as a Self Assessment Tool for multiple location operations.